Clients Must Vet eDiscovery Competence of Counsel

October 2016

By: Katherine Hammersly

Litigation Shareholder Maren Hufton and counsel Katherine Hammersly’s article, “Clients Must Vet eDiscovery Competence of Counsel” was published in the Orange County Business Journal. In the article, Hufton and Hammersly state that counsel must pay careful attention to the requirements and challenges of managing electronic discovery since “an attorney’s failure to recognize basic eDiscovery responsibilities exposes not just the attorney, but the client, to harsh sanctions”. Hufton and Hammersly lay out a framework of eDiscovery-related questions for in-house counsel to ask before retaining outside counsel for any matter.

Clients Must Vet the EDiscovery Competency of Counsel by Stradling on Scribd